RAADFest 2020 (Revolution Against Aging & Death Festival) ended today. Over the past three days various presenters had the opportunity to deliver the latest information in human anti-aging research in a virtual setting.

On day one Dave Asprey presented his thoughts on improving our immunity system. This area of research is one of the cornerstones of extending and improving our lives as we age, as our immune system functionally declines. Here’s a list of recommendations, suggestions and some explanation behind them:

  • It’s important to limit omega6 intake, Omega6s are associated with high inflammation which has all sorts of adverse effects on our body, the term coined to describe their effects is inflammaging = inflammation that causes aging.
  • The biological marker that can be tested via blood test that measures level of inflammation in our body is IL6 and IL10. How to lower those markers? David recommends Endographis herb, also turmeric, and Stephania root.
  • David notes that having ketones present does improve your immunity. Ketones are present in our blood when our body switches into ketosis after depriving our diet of carbohydrates. It’s important to note that for viral infections it's beneficial still to have some carbs intake, for bacterial infections on the other hand low to no-carb intake will have beneficial effects. So in short, if we are challenged with viral infection, moderate carb intake, high fat diet. For bacterial infections low to no carb and a high fat diet will yield most benefits.
  • High dose of vit C when getting sick proven to be beneficial, Zinc: (available in two forms zinc orotate 2. zinc cariatate, need to establish which one is more bio available to you).
  • Melatonin has anti-inflammatory properties, helps when fighting infection.
  • Intravenous ozone therapy applied to patients sick with corona virus, has been shown to help with their recovery.
  • MCT oil supports mitochondrial function and therefore our immune system.

Dr. Greg Fahy presented updates on his Thymus gland regeneration findings that for the first in the history of human longevity research have shown the reversal of aging clock in humans. See full article on his findings Dr. Fahy announced the kick off of a new larger thymus regeneration (TRIIM-X) trail that’s now been funded and is enrolling participants.

Harry Adelson, N.D. presented on his ongoing work treating patients with various musculoskeletal problems with a stem cell therapy. His main line of work revolves around treating patients that experience pain but cannot be helped with traditional methods such as X-ray diagnosis and surgery. X-rays based diagnosis misses microscopic problems, such as neo vascularization - too many blood vessels that form in injured areas.

Regenerative medicine, which Dr. Adelson practices revolves around listening to patients' pain concerns and applying stem cell injections.

Dr. Thierry Hertoghe presented his findings and thoughts around hormonal therapies. As we age (this applies for young people as well) it’s important to test hormonal levels. Those hormones that are out of balance might have large implications on our quality of life, both mental and physical. Through research and treating patients at his clinic he finds:

  • Oxytocin therapy (sublingual): after tested oxytocin deficient and undergone oxytocin therapy patients become smiling, women have better orgasms, in men higher level of oxytocin increases romanticism.
  • Testosterone deficiency in men is frequent and lowers ability to perform sexually.
  • MSH deficiency - often results in pale skin, horomanal therapy increases sexuality in men as well as improves social interactions. [link]
  • Cortisol and DHEA deficiency is frequent, it can be treated with oral drug.

David Shmidt of LifeWave presented his product, a patch that is applied to problem areas such as scar that then is actuated with light source which in turn induces stems cells already present in our body to regenerate affected areas. Treatment can be applied to specific region of our body or the patch can be applied behind neck for systemic effect on whole body. [link]

Day 2 brief coming tomorrow with more exciting news!