P.E.A.R.L. study (Participatory Evaluation of Aging with Rapamycin for Longevity Study) that started in January 2020 ( https://clinicaltrials...01 ) has opened a new chapter in human longevity studies.

Rapamycin compound was first discovered as a naturally occurring substance in the soil of Easter Island in 1970s. It was named after Rapa Nui - native name of the island. Since then it has been successfully used in clinical setting as an immunosuppressant (helps suppress organ rejection after kidney or liver transplantation etc.). But some claim it has much broader application namely in the young field of gero-science, potentially helping prolong healthy life span in humans. Here are various factoids, based on collection of several Rapamycin studies:

It works by targeting mTOR (abbreviated for: Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin) signaling pathway in cells. Within mTOR there are two identified sub pathways: mTORC1 and mTORC2.

Rapamycin acts on mTORC1 by down regulating it but leaves mTORC2 pathway mostly unaffected https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MTORC2

By suppressing mTORC1 pathway Rapamycin is believed to prevent cells from entering a senescence state (a state of cell death) - or at least slows down the progression into senescent state.

Some taking Rapamycin experience hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), however it is reversible and attributed to similar effect that is sometimes experienced with caloric restriction (CR) diets and is dubbed a benevolent form of insulin resistance (pseudo diabetes) in this case as explained by Mikhail V. Blagosklonny  https://www.n...PMC6814615/

There appears to be a synergistic effect between taking Rapamycin and applying ketogenic diet (low carb, high fat & protein) https://journals.pl....0233662

It appears to mimic fasting (which also down regulates mTOR pathway)

It appears to prevent insulin resistance https://pubme...0396/

It's being used to treat incurable pains in some https://for..sal.net/t/h4s991

Rapamycin appears to inhibit viral replication by down regulating mTOR pathway. Hijacking mTOR pathway appears to be the mechanism by which Influenza and other viruses replicate https://pub...28953980/ . Taking the noteworthy 1918 Spanish flu strain, Rapamycin was shown to significantly slow down the viral spread in cells: https://www.n...MC6021456/

Another study showing Herpes virus using mTORC1 pathway  for viral replication: https://pubm...v/21123650/

Most recent study shows Rapamycin enhancing resilience against SARS-Cov-2 infection and reducing severity of COVID-19. COVID-19 dubbed the "disease of the old and those with underlying health conditions" could prove Rapamycin acting as potential gero-protector that prolongs (healthy) lifespan in humans.  https://www.thel...0)30068-4/fulltext

A study showing effects of topical application of Rapamycin on human skin, reducing markers of aging by removal of senescent factors https://p...61958/

Alan S. Green, a doctor in NY has had 550 patients on Rapamycin since 2016. He himself has been taking Rapamycin and recently described his experience with COVID-19: __"... for people taking Rapamycin, COVID is just a novel viral infection. As a 77 y/o with a cardiomyopathy, I was very concerned. I recently had COVID and it was nothing more than a mild viral syndrome lasting a few days. My experience seems to be very consistent with my patients. Rapamycin has a very dramatic effect on the innate immune system, blocks intense cytokine reaction and ameliorates reaction to COVID. The above paper by Blagosklonny is excellent discussion. In short, Rapamycin gives you a young person reaction to COVID "__ https://rapamycintherapy.com/